Monday, July 11, 2011

A quarter of a century has come and gone.

I can't believe it! I'm 25. Twenty five. Two-five. 25. No matter how many times I say it or which way I write it, it still feels weird. 25.

At the same time, I guess I've started to resemble what I think a 25-year-old looks like. Let me explain.

When I turned 24, I didn't feel 24. Since my mom married at 24, I'd always assumed I'd follow the same trend. When it became clear that I was setting my own curve, I got panicky. I felt like all the plans I'd made and all the chances I'd taken had been for nothing, and that I was more lost at 24 than I was at 18. Little did I know, that my 24th year would be one of my most fulfilling. Not only is this the first year I've lived completely independently (that is, totally off of my parents' payroll), this is the year I started to build my life on my own terms -- without the pressures of friends, family, school, sorority, etc.

I came to Cincinnati with one objective: successfully keep a job for more than six months. Well, I did that; and most surprising, I actually like my job more today than I did on my first day of work. Growing into a productive employee, though, has been a cake walk compared to the personal challenges that come along with moving to a new city where I knew no one. Even that, though, is a challenge I've overcome.

I realized yesterday afternoon as I lounged with my two new roommates in our new living room (wearing just my swimsuit and big straw hat because, well, that's what I like to wear in the summertime, and I'm not self-conscious around them), that for the first time in my whole life, the relationships I'm building are ones that I've created on my own terms. My friends are ladies I've met through work, apartments and bowling leagues, and our relationships are completely organic -- meaning we didn't have mutual friends or ex-boyfriends or histories to provide our foundations. Rather, we met; we chatted; we went out; we swapped stories; we became friends. It's been nice.

There is one change coming up this month, though, and it's -- drum roll please -- another move! I know, I know, haven't I had enough? The answer is "yes," yet I'm typing this post as a break from packing. By the end of July, I'll officially be a resident of Covington, Kentucky. You read that right, Kentucky. If you'd asked me even four months ago what state I would NEVER live in, Kentucky would have been my answer; but the reality is, I like the area a lot, it's actually closer to work than my Cincinnati apartment is, and I'll have two roommates to help keep my living expenses lower than they've been in years. All of these are pretty positive things, especially when I consider having my car and student loans paid off in less than two years, as well as the start of a very nice down payment for the house I plan on buying myself for my 30th birthday :)

Yes, friends, I think this is going to be a good year. And if not? Well, if I've learned anything since my 24th birthday, it's that I can bob and weave with the best of 'em -- so bring it on.