Saturday, April 17, 2010

Settling in.

I wrapped up my second week at the Pioneer yesterday, and I finally feel like I'm getting my sea legs.

I was pretty surprised to find out that the transition back to small-town life was harder than the transition to Chicago. I asked myself at least a dozen times during my first week why the hell I'd moved back to this place. It's too quiet to sleep. There's no police station nearby. Everything closes at 6. I have to drive to get everywhere. Wolf spiders have invaded the cottage. I need to switch banks...again.

Now, though, I'm adjusting.

Work is going well. The office environment is better than any I've worked in before, and I feel pretty privileged to be working with so many great people. The community also has been really welcoming, which is a nice change of pace.

Guinness and Miller have moved in with me for the time being, although, I think I'll bring them back to Mom and Dad tomorrow. Kath won't admit it, but she misses her boys and often asks how they're doing before moving on to me.

I think the real turning point came when I saw my first byline in the Pioneer. It feels different to see your name in print off-campus, I guess. It feels a little more real now, and I think I'm doing an alright job so far.

All-in-all, things are going well. My pity party is over, and I'm ready to make this my home for the next couple years. I can't wait to see where this leads, but for now, I'm content to be right here.