Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Big-Girl Job falls into place.

To say my life has been busy as of late would be an understatement. But I have a few minutes of downtime at work, so I thought I would post a quick update about life here in the Windy City.

For those of you who read the first paragraph carefully, you probably realize that I am employed! Finally! The hours are brutal, but nothing worse than I endured working for the baseball team, and I don’t have to wear a chicken costume.

Actually, I am working 7 days a week now, about 12-15 hours each day. But there is hardly any down time, so I’m constantly on an adrenaline high. Already, I’ve learned so much and gotten to take on some cool projects, so I’m a pretty happy camper.

Of course, 2 days after getting this job, I got a call from a paper out in Lake Placid, New York interested in interviewing me for an adventure-writing job. It sounds like it’d be right up my alley, but I have to say I’m content with where I’m at.

I’m also getting to write quite a bit, which makes me very happy.

Chicago still is treating me well. This is not where I’d like to stay forever, though. It’s become clear that I prefer being a big fish in a small pond, or a big fish in a big pond (haha), rather than kind of lost in the stream. It’s strange to walk down the street and pass 100 people who don’t make eye contact, smile, nod or say ‘hello.’ For anyone who used to chat with me on the phone while I trotted across CMU’s campus, greeting every person I came across, you know that this is odd for me.

For now, though, I still enjoy taking the train and watching the skyline flicker at night. There is something really beautiful about Chicago, and I am thrilled to make this my first home in the Big Kid World.

I’ve been doing some dating here and there, of course. I met a dude on a train…who’s shocked? Haha…didn’t work out. I went out with another guy who proceeded to be nothing but be rude to our cab driver. It was totally awkward, and I’m not quite sure what he was trying to prove…hm. That didn’t go anywhere either, clearly. There’s no need to be mean to cabbies!

I also learned a valuable lesson along the lines of not shitting where I eat. That’s another story that’s not suitable for the blogosphere, though, because I’m not the asshole in the situation. Too much? Oh well, recent events make me think I’m justified.

I’m really looking forward to Thanksgiving, although my vacation home will be cut short because of work. It will be nice to have a little break, and get my car back! Jerry the Jeep and I reunited once again! My office is in the suburbs, and it’s nearly impossible to get to by public transit. So the lady in the purple Jeep cruising around Illinois…yup, that’s me. Well, will be in 2 weeks.

I think that’s about it for now! Of course, I’m probably leaving things out, but I need to get back to work. Gosh, I’m so official.